w i n d & w i n g s a r t s t u d i o
Autumn Bear
Written by Diane Culling
Illustrated by Cindy Vincent
Journey with Autumn Bear through the sights, sounds and scents of fall in the foothills of the Peace River country as he prepares for the coming winter.
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Winter Birds
Written by Diane Culling
Illustrated by Cindy Vincent
It will take wits and pluck and charm for the Winter Birds to make it through the long, cold season ahead.
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The Song in my Night
Written by Hilda Harder
Compiled by Cindy Vincent
T H E R E ' S A V O I C E I N T H E W I L D E R N E S S C A L L I N G
Memoir Reflects On Disability, Loss, Triumph and God
Half a century ago, Hilda Harder and her husband drove up to Burns Lake with only a thousand dollars and a child in tow. A decade later, they left their simple lakeside life with six hundred dollars and four children. In between, the author reflects on the experience and lessons learned from those tumultuous years as a young family making a life for themselves. Struggling through disability, the loss of a child, and the daily struggle of keeping a family functional and running, Hilda found solace in the presence of God - gleaning from her experiences the true acceptance and wisdom only those who have come (literally) through the woods have.
The song in My Night, written by Hilda Harder and published by FriesenPress, is the warming, lyrical memoir of Hilda Harder. Born with congenitally dislocated hips she nevertheless soldiers through life with a grace and charm those acquainted with her can testify to. A mixture of prose and poetry, the book portrays life through the eyes of one who takes things a bit slower than the rest. Her descriptions are acute and refreshing to those who are used to racing from task to task and reminds us to perhaps, slow down and appreciate life.
The Song In My Night is available for order from FriesenPress.com/bookstore, Amazon, Chapter's Indigo, Barnes & Noble and most major book retailers. The eBook edtion is available for download for the Kindle, Nook, iTunes, Kobo, and any .pdf enabled device.
We lived in Prince George from 1960 to 1980 where my husband Del worked as a milkman, bus driver and taxi driver. Later on he became a successful builder, constructing many fine homes. Here we had two more children. We faced many joys and sorrows as we travelled life's road, but none so difficult as the death of our son Randy...